Introducing our newest service! Alternative Septic System Maintenance!
Alternative Septic Systems?
Many people here in Franklin County live on lots that just won’t perk, or perhaps for various reasons their lot doesn’t allow for a traditional septic system. There are myriad options available to people who need a septic system that is beyond the typical. Many of these systems are custom built for individual needs, and utilize such things as: filtration systems, aerobic and anaerobic systems, wastewater segregation, gravelless technologies, gravity sewers, effluent sewers, holding tanks, waste pretreatment systems, media filters, constructed wetlands, disinfection components, dosed flow systems, pressure dose flow systems, and various subsurface distribution. I’ll discuss what each of these systems and/or components do in a future post. For now, the big takeaway is: they are out there and now we can meet maintenance needs for these system owners!
Alternative Septic System Maintenance
It is Virginia law that everyone who has an alternative septic system schedule routine maintenance. Records must be kept indicating date of any maintenance or service provided. Many of these systems require routine filter replacement, pumping, or inspection to verify that everything is, er… flowing along smoothly. These systems are equipped with alarm systems that indicate malfunction. Anytime an alarm goes off the system must be corrected by a licensed alternative septic system operator. The operator will then correct the problem and submit necessary reports to the county.
Alternative Septic System Maintenance Program
If you have an alternative system give us a call, we’ll be happy to discuss your system and unique needs. Let us put you on an automatic schedule for system maintenance and you won’t have to worry about remembering to schedule appointments. Typically a five year contract for yearly operation and maintenance is required by the health department. Regular system maintenance goes a long way in avoiding system failure,