Septic Pumping has been the backbone of our business since we started in 2013. As the first step in many septic repairs pumping continues to be the center of our service options. 

Septic Pumping = Septic Health

Septic pumping is the top priority in septic system health. Tank manufacturers as well as the Virginia Department of Health recommend pumping septic tanks every 3-5 years, depending on occupancy. In some parts of Franklin County, particularly Smith Mountain Lake Communities septic pumping is required by law every 5 years if there are any septic components within 500 feet of the water line.

Septic tanks are designed to hold the solids as they break down, slowly allowing sewage liquid to seep into the drainfield before it finally re-enters the soil. Over time solids can build up clogging the lines, and/or completely filling the tank, resulting in system failure. Once the tank is full sewage has no where to go except back up the pipes and into the the home. For some systems this may occur sooner rather than later, depending on toilet paper type and other factors. Routine maintenance is the only preventative.

The Typical Septic Pumpout:

Each septic system is unique, but the process of pumping the septic tank is usually pretty standard. The first step is to locate the tank. Many homeowners know where their tank is located, but if this isn’t the case for your tank you may be able to contact the health department to obtain a map of your property with tank location marked. Often homes built before 1990 do not have tank location marked on the map. In the event that the tank is difficult to locate we do offer location services.

Once tank has been located, we dig down to the lid of the tank if necessary. Some tanks are equipped with risers bringing the lid to ground level, in which case no digging is needed. When we dig down to the lid we are accessing the 24×24 inch tank lid or “door.” This door is usually around 24″ square, and gives us ample room to maneuver our hoses to completely clean out your tank. Once pumping is complete we replace the lid, and dirt.

Septic Pumping: False Information and Myths

False information abounds when it comes to septic tank health. Many people erroneously assume that once the septic system is in place no further action is needed. In some cases this is can be true, in that we have seen systems that are twenty plus years old and have never been serviced, but when they fail they really fail. It is not uncommon for these septic systems to leak sewage onto the ground and into homes. Large amounts of time and money are often required to clean up the mess.

Many people have asked me if there is a septic tank additive or bacteria that will aid the solids breakdown, and lessen the need for pump outs. Septic tanks are designed to work with bacteria that are already present in septage and in the septic environment. Additives are often expensive, and unnecessary, with the exception of additives used to prevent or remove root growth. 

Septic Systems Need Check-ups Too!

Septic Pumping can be thought of as a check-up for your septic system. Often when septic systems are regularly pumped we are able to identify and repair small problems before they become big problems. With proper care and maintenance your system should provide years of trouble free flushing.