Septic System Pipe Repair

Septic system pipe repair can be necessary from time to time. Here at Superior Septic we have worked hard so that whatever emergency may arise we are ready and willing to deal with it! Septic System Pipe Repair Many older homes deal with collapsed, separated, or otherwise broken lines. In the past terra-cotta, wrought iron, […]

Alternative Septic System Maintenance

Introducing our newest service! Alternative Septic System Maintenance! Alternative Septic Systems? Many people here in Franklin County live on lots that just won’t perk, or perhaps for various reasons their lot doesn’t allow for a traditional septic system. There are myriad options available to people who need a septic system that is beyond the typical. […]

Septic Tank Locating Services

Septic Tank Locating can be a a troublesome issue from time to time. If you’re having trouble finding your septic tank know that you aren’t alone. Many homeowners are unaware of exactly where their septic tank is situated on their property. Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are! Many septic systems have a small white […]

Septic System Inspection

Septic System Inspection: The What and Why Septic System Inspection is useful in a variety of settings. As mentioned in my previous blog Franklin County accepts inspection reports for their mandatory Pump-Out Program. This program affects all Franklin County septic systems within 500 foot of Smith Mountain Lake. However, septic inspections aren’t just for people […]

Smith Mountain Lake Septic Pumping

Smith Mountain Lake Septic Pumping required for all systems within 500 foot of water. Smith Mountain Septic Pumping Keeps Lake Waters Clean Septic system run-off can be a problem for Smith Mountain Lake. Often when septic systems experience problems sewage back up occurs. This can happen either inside of the home (yuck!), or in the […]

Septic Riser & Riser Installation

A septic Riser will bring access to your septic tank to ground level, eliminating messy digs and future digging fees. What is a Septic Riser? A septic riser consists of a black corrugated pipe that is cut to the specific depth of your tank. The pipe can be cut to provide access either just below […]

Septic Pumping Rocky Mount, VA

Septic Pumping has been the backbone of our business since we started in 2013. As the first step in many septic repairs pumping continues to be the center of our service options.  Septic Pumping = Septic Health Septic pumping is the top priority in septic system health. Tank manufacturers as well as the Virginia Department of […]

Franklin County and Smith Mountain Lake Septic Pumping

Welcome to Our New Domain! If you’re thinking that you’ve seen our faces before you most likely knew us under our former business name: Alpha Septic Service. Owner/Operator Nathan Crews has been pumping septic tanks in Franklin County, VA since 2013. Last year (2019) we began the process of incorporating additional services and integrating new […]